So I went to the doctor yesterday and found out that Elaina is for 100% colic. he told me to buy this stuff called ovol last night it looked like it worked but today it does not seem like it at all. who nows so today I put a little bit of orjel on her gums see if that was her problem.. anyways I have to run..
Keyra, I am sure that its her teeth. Keep up the good work, and keep up your pactience!
Hi There... this is janie.. who knows dave and sue, who are friends with your sister. Before my baby came i did some reading on colic just in case she had it, and i found 2 good books that have helped us calm our baby when she is upset, and have helped her sleep more (she doesn't have colic, but for the first few weeks was very very fussy, and i also used ovol, with little result) Just some suggestions of course. i undestand how awful it is when you can't calm your baby for the life of you, so if you find the time or have the energy they hopefully will help you too! (i stuck the books in the crib and read them while i was putting her to sleep... whatever works right?!) The first book is called "the happiest baby on the block" and it deals directly with calming the colicky baby using 5 "calming reflexes" it is not to much to buy (20$), and was personally suggested by our prenatal teacher (who has had five kids). I have found that the methods work... you use the five things together: swaddling, side/tummy lying (on your arm), shhhing (overpower their cry with long, drawn out shhhing), swinging (from side to side, bouncing etc... but without "shaking" them), and sucking! the book explains it all, and in winnipeg there are one on one courses you can take to learn and master the technique. really great. the other book is " the baby whisperer: solves all your problems by asking the right questions." this book helps you to organize a routine, all day long, for your baby so they know what is happening, and so you know too. This helped me alot, because i thought she was colic, but she was just really overtired. I was missing all her "tired" cues, and not really helping her to get to sleep. She only naps for 1/2 chunks of time still, but she does this like 4-5 times a day. I am much happier, and she is a lot more happy too! She long spouts of crying went away now that she is on a routine (although it was HELL to get there.. but only took about a week to get things going). I live in winnipeg, and if you would like to borrow the happiest baby book i would love to lend it to you. There is nothing worse that feeling helpless. You have such a beautiful baby... i love seeing her smiley pictures. Hope this can help you a little, or lead you in a good direction. it sounds like you are doing a great job to figure out what will help your baby the best. Keep up the great work.. these little things are tough! Take care,
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