Monday, July 31, 2006

Bath Time Was GREAT!

Today we have had a pretty good day. I managed to do the dishes I had stacking up from the other night, I moved our bedroom around and started to clean that all up. I gave up for tonight and will do it sometime tomorrow! I hope before we go to the Zoo with Taylor and Jason's partents. Here's a pic of Elaina playing around I was trying to get the picture when she was kissing the Pooh Bear.

Bathtime went REALLY GREAT tonight. I went and bought Elaina some boats from the Dollar store heheee. I gave her a bath just after supper time. Since she was trying to feed herself. I told Andrew give us a few minutes of screaming I have to give her a bath. I got the bath all ready, put her toys in. Brought Elaina into the bathroom . She was standing at the tub when I took her diaper off , Elaina starting talking away right away.
She didn't cry one little tear. She chewed on here ducky almost the whole time.

Elaina has soap in here hair if you look really close. P.S. - I CLEANED HER FACE LAST HEHEE


Anonymous said...

I guess that swim she had the other night did a great job of making her like the water more. I'm glad you didn't have a screaming match on your hands.....

vloessin said...

hey buddy omg that little girl is getting so big.. can you imagine her at tristin's age...

Robyn said...

you sure you cleaned her face???
She sure looks like she liked the bath.. I hope that continues for you!!

DAve and JAnie said...

I AM SOO HAPPY! Finally. So was that the first time with toys? Corrina loves to watch the duckies 'swim' around, and i think she might be ready to sit up most of the time now too! I always look to see what Elaina is up to, then i know what Corrina will be doing. I sorta cheat off you! Thanks!

So wow, a happy bath! You must have been glad all over.

Nice new template too!
Take it easy!