Anyways I think she might be teething so that would explain her crankiness ah well welcome to motherhood right lol. Tonight we are trying out a recipe called "Taco Soup" I got it from the moms and babies group that Janie and I have been going to. I won it as a door prize all I needed to make it was ground beef and an onion, everything else was in the bag. So we will try it out and tell you about it. and if you want the recipe just ask and I will send it your way.
Have a good night everyone
she is soo fat!!
she looks good in that outfit. I will pass it on to Kim that she is wearing it now! It looks really good on her!
I LOVE THE TILE "Little Miss Cranky Pants"! Just ask robyn I love using the word "Pants". He He He. She's getting so big. I can't believe it. Rylan is getting bigger and he's only 8 days old. It's crazy he's got a little pot belly, and some chubby cheeks now.
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