Bath time

Well I got a picture of Elaina just out of the bath, and its not a naked picture like Andrew was worried about. Omg look how cute she looks in this outfit that my moms friend Teresa gave her. I was waiting for it to fit her and almost fits perfect! the hat is big and I had to bunch it up in the back but hey kept it on till the picture was taken. I love the materal the outfit is made out of.. but its going to be nasty once she throws up on it or poops all over lol. thats why she had her bath early again today cuz she throw up all over her hair. we had a really bad night with her again. she was up from 3:15 till 6:30 this morning.. but then thankfully slept till 1:30 this afternoon (got up for two feedings, but went back to bed) so Andrew and I were able to sleep in. I dont know what was wrong with her last nite I could not get her back to sleep no matter what I tried. I even at one time had to go into the kitchen and sit on the floor and cry, with her crying in the bedroom. Andrew got up and got mad at me for doing that. I dont think he ment to get mad at me. He just was tired as well, wanting to sleep as well. So then I went back into the bedroom and craddled her up really close and cried even harder and then she went to sleep thank God. Tonight she is going to be with a babysitter, as Andrew and I have a concert to go to. "Hello, Brad Paisley and Terry Clark" Im so excited!!! its my first concert I will ever attend as well. I'll let you know how it goes!
loving the outfit! She is growing so fast. I can't belive how big she has gotten... Make her stop growing!@
she looks wonderful it that outfit. she is growing way to i can't wait to see her on thurs or friday.....get andrew to do some of the work for you and try some tlc for each of you.....don't let those phone calls bother you, if nothing has changed in the 20 years i have been trying to get it to change its not apt to change now.....just remember this family loves you three more than you know....
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