And like always... these pics are to dark.. I will figure this thing out one of these days. well I wanted to get a good one of her in her bath tub so I put the towel across her lower area.. this was the first bath that she has had in her tub all the other times she was in the sink.. but she is getting to heavy for that now.. the tub works.. she fits in it nicely.. but I decided to add more pics to this thing today cuz I didnt update yesterday. Sorry to all of you people that check this site everyday. I'll try to keep it up..

Alright so this camera that I have.. SUCKS!! I just cant take great pics.. The first pic I was trying to get Elaina sitting in her new shoes that Robyn gave her.. they fit robyn. Sorry I didn't get the pictures up earlier but I was busy all day and then went out for supper with nanny my mom and david it was good.. and this 2ed pic is to dark.. its to dark or way to right.. never an end..

So last night was AWSOME!! We were right down the the floor about 30ft. from the stage!! To See Brad Paisley, Terri Clark, and Johnny Reid. I had so much fun. It was well earned time away for Andrew and I. Elaina was really good for the babysitter. These pictures are from last night before Elaina went to bed. She is just talking like crazy today and Smiling there was no wonder if that was a gas smile I just Knew as soon as I saw it.. and me being me and how amazed I am of her and love to show her off. just laughed at her and told her to do it again :) SO HAPPY!!

Well I got a picture of Elaina just out of the bath, and its not a naked picture like Andrew was worried about. Omg look how cute she looks in this outfit that my moms friend Teresa gave her. I was waiting for it to fit her and almost fits perfect! the hat is big and I had to bunch it up in the back but hey kept it on till the picture was taken. I love the materal the outfit is made out of.. but its going to be nasty once she throws up on it or poops all over lol. thats why she had her bath early again today cuz she throw up all over her hair. we had a really bad night with her again. she was up from 3:15 till 6:30 this morning.. but then thankfully slept till 1:30 this afternoon (got up for two feedings, but went back to bed) so Andrew and I were able to sleep in. I dont know what was wrong with her last nite I could not get her back to sleep no matter what I tried. I even at one time had to go into the kitchen and sit on the floor and cry, with her crying in the bedroom. Andrew got up and got mad at me for doing that. I dont think he ment to get mad at me. He just was tired as well, wanting to sleep as well. So then I went back into the bedroom and craddled her up really close and cried even harder and then she went to sleep thank God. Tonight she is going to be with a babysitter, as Andrew and I have a concert to go to. "Hello, Brad Paisley and Terry Clark" Im so excited!!! its my first concert I will ever attend as well. I'll let you know how it goes!
I uploaded this pic too. but it seems that it did not go on to my page so here it is..
So today I'm gettting upset, and this time its not 'cuz of Elaina. I have a parcil I wanted to pick up today. I was going to go and pick it up when Andrew got up. Fine right? Well Andrews buddy calls and now he is going out!! I ask "how long will you be gone I have something I have to pick up." he says "I dont know how long but I will be back in time for you to go and pick that thing up." Alright so then I was okay that he was going out. Until about 20 minutes after he left his buddy calls me " Can Andrew come with me to my girlfiends basketball game?" For one Andrew does not like sports so I dont understand why he wants to go anyways but I cant say no to his friend even thought I really truly wanted to say NO. You see Andrew was to chicken to call me himself!! He told his buddy that he could not be gone all day like that So he calls me not Andrew. I CANT STAND WHEN HE DOES THAT!! so when I got off the phone, I throw it across the room and its flew every where, me being upset already today started to cry I cried so hard I couldn't stop myself! I dropped a cup of coffee all over my computer desk over everything on my computer desk. my day so far is not going good at all. Elaina seems to not want to sleep today she will sleep for 1/2 and hour and then be up again. I have to clean her laundry but Cant leave her here alone.. I want to have a shower.. Im just all messed up today. I hope this evening goes by better.
Alright, so I was going to take a picture of Elaina having a bath today. But she decided to puke and poop all over herself. So in the Bath she went early! I took these pictures just after her bath. She did cry as much in the bath this time.. so maybe she is starting to like them. I can only hope.
Well today Elaina had a doctors apt. The doctor said that everything was great. He told me if I am having a problem expressing my milk to just switch to formula if I want. So I switched brands of formula cuz the one that I had was with extra iron and thats what was upsetting her tummy and why she was exploding when she took a poop. (Robyn tells me) so lets see with this new formula. Elaina was 7lbs 7oz on the 6th and today she is 8lbs 14oz. Told you that she was a "Piggy."

I was trying to take a picture of Elaina sleeping with Daddy! but my camera just doesn't flash bright enough!! this is the best that I could take. Last nite I had such a hard time with Elaina!! she just did not want to sleep all she did was cry.. I think he tummy is still bugging her. I got so so upset with her. Ah I guess that all comes with being a mom.
Aww, look at how cute they look together! It is so cute I was making faces at Elaina today.. and after about the 10th time of me sticking my tongue out at her she stuck hers out at me!!! she is starting to learn to mimic! and I think she smiled today.. but was it a real one? or just gas.. I Was making noises at her and she looked up and smiled mouth wide open and eyes just so big. I think it was real..

well we just got home from vistting Andrews moms and saw his daughter.. I didnt get a very good picture of her but boy is she ever a pretty little girl every went well and very nice does he ever have a nice family. This other picture was taken at his mom as well I just thought that it was a really pretty site so I had to take a picture. Anyways thats all I have to say for now..
I just took this pic a few minutes ago, and just had to hand her off to Andrew to post it! I think this is the cutest and best pic that She has taken so far. I call her piggy, cuz she eats so much, and look I'm feeding her yet again today and she looks like she is giving the thums up on getting fed! "Yeah, this is the stuff!" she says LOL
Today, I'm having a really hard day! Elaina just wants to cry. she is not even happy when I'm holding her. I feel like Im not getting a thing done. I did manage to clean bottles and make more, and I did manage to pump. But I want to have a shower so bad. I have to wait till Andrew home! Just cuz I'm to scared to have a shower when I'm alone with her. Lets hope that the rest of the day will go by better.Until next time