We did Easter on Friday, Well thats when we had easter supper. We didnt do anything else for easter this year, Elaina is still to young for it. So today we cleaned cleaned and cleaned some more!. Made the house look nice again. It feels like home again.
We are having another nice day today!!
I guess yesterday Winnipeg broke the record for the heat. We ended up reaching +24.1 they say the last record for April 15 was 23.9 back in 1913! thats crazy almost a 100 years ago..
Elaina's out with the babysitter. We called her on friday to see if she wanted to babysit but she was studying so we told her dont bother just study thats more important. we didnt really have any plans. Then she called today and asked us if she could take elaina today. So she came over and took her for the night. I wish that Andrew and I could spend alone time with eachother tonight cuddle up on the couch and watch some movies but Drew comes back from Kenora today!
I guess we have a few hours right now, and we will have sometime tomorrow.
I guess I can catch up on some reading tonight too as I still have that book that Janie lent me, and I have had it for a while now. I should finish it!.. I have to get a chapter or two done with my school work as well. but Im not in a rush to finish that cuz I still have a lot of months to pay it off. hehee
anyways Im just cooking some KD and Hot Dogs hehee..
Enjoy this Easter Sunday Everyone!
what is the cat doing in baby's chair.. not good....
Hope you enjoy your night away from Baby... It is nice to get some time away. Tell Drew he needs to stay away one more night!!
My cat snuggles up in the car seat too, and then gets soaked with water. Our cats shed sooo much it drives me nuts... i hate sweeping but find myself doing it everyday!
So as i was typing "nuts" up above, i wrote "buts" like five times.. i just couldn't get my fingers into the right places! Tee hee.
That is super nice that you had a baby sitter in so you could have some "couple" time!
Loving looking at the pictues! I have to go now because dave is hounding me to play a game with him.
Let's get together sometime soon and do something, if you would like! Even just a walk would be nice! Take it easy.
OOOHHH, a package is at the door, gotta run!
oh yeah, love the glasses!
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