
Hello, Well I think that Elaina is starting to feel a little better. Im not taking as much stuff out of her nose so... thats gotta be one way of seeing that she is feeling better. She is not as fussy too. She is growing way to fast!! She has already grown out of 6 or 7 outfits. Robyn has a friend that is pregnant right now. So Im waiting to find out what she is having (I think Robyn said she finds out this week) So if she is having a girl I will start putting things into a box to ship that way. It makes me sad that she is growing out of stuff.. some of it is really really cute!!! The pink angel outfit she is wearing now wont fit her in a couple weeks I can already tell. Anyways Im going to fold Elainas laundry and move the living room around so it is not a maze to my kitchen anymore.. byesz
Always lookin so damn cute!
Robyn's friend who's pregnant is probably me, lol. And I get to find out on thursay what I'm having, Oh I so hope its a girl. Elaina looks so beautiful. I want a pretty litte girl too.: )
she looks like an angel sleeping
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