Well today Elaina opened up one of her Birthday gifts, it was from Aunty Robyn! And let me tell you IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!! and Elaina hasnt even had the toy for more then 2 hours, But she is going to have so much fun with it!

This is the toy, It is called "Laugh and Learn chair"
there is so much for her to do with it, the light changes colours you can read the book on the side and it tells you all the animals on it and then theres a clock that teaches you the time, and when you sit on the chair it will sing you songs or teach you the abcs, it has a lot of stuff on it and I think it will keep her entertained for hours on end,
Thank you Aunty Robyn!!!!!!! (I guess its pay back for me! cuz I used to buy Taylor the toys that made lots of noise)
sorry...all I can do is laugh!!!''
So glad she likes it!
lol i remember when u always did that lol.... i'm glad no one buys tristin too annoyoing toys lol
Oh no, two ear infection. That is what COrrina has too! We just found out this morning, tuesday morning. She is still throwing up... she can't keep anything down, not even rice cereal (all we have tried is rice cereal and apple sauce). I didn't even attempt to give her something rich like turkey, just the BRATY diet, and lots of liquids. Anyway, we got meds today, so hopefully she will be in less pain. I hope elaina's med's have kicked in... I UNDERSTAND THE INSANITY.
Merry post Christmas
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