This past weekend Tyran took Elaina, and that gave me time to get the house all cleaned up, I even got to mop the floors.(well get down on my hands and knees) Then on monday I was on the daycare site for manitoba looking up daycares around my area to call, even home daycares. Im looking through them looking through them then I found one! It was great, the lady just lived like a 2 minute walk up the street here, she had a opening for Jan 1/07 and it was for an infant. So I called this lady up everything sounded so wonderful. Then she asks me if Im looking for subsidy. I tell her yes of course. And she says to me well I dont think I want to take on anymore kids with subsidy I have a couple kids like that already and I dont want to deal with anymore at this time. I got so mad, it was just perfect!!! Until those words were said. So I looked on the site a little more I e-mailed a few places as well as called a couple (Im not to good on the phone with strangers) So Elaina is on a couple of waiting lists now. I should be giving a few more places a call.
Then on Tuesday, I was chatting with my sister Robyn on the computer when Elaina came crawling into my room then over to the laundry basket. Of course she took everything out of the basket and then the next thing I know she is sitting inside the basket. So I started to laugh, next thing I know She is laughing as well and everytime I looked at her she wound bend her head down (thinking I could not see her if she could not see me) and pop her head back up and start to laugh. It was really entertaining for a while she was having fun playing by herself. Then later on in the day after Andrew went to work. Elaina was playing with the phone pressing buttons saying "dadadadadaa" I look at her and ask her "Now who are you trying to call Elaina?" She looked right back at me and said "dad" and went back to work pressing numbers! It was really really cute!

Next day is wed. Just a few minutes after Andrew left out the door for work. I went up to Elaina took the toy she had in her had, (she didnt make a fuss about it) and I went a few steps away from her and told her to come and get her toy. At this point she was standing and looking at me then the toy, all of a sudden she was WALKING towards me not holding on to a thing just WALKING by herself let me tell you I got excited! so I gave her the toy when she got to me. Then I stepped back a little bit more and told her to "Come give mommy a hug." so what does my little girl do WALKS to me again! this time she fell into me and gave me a really big hug and started to laugh. I called just about everyone I could think of! I was so excited. My baby doesnt seem like a baby to me anymore at all. Then at supper time I was feeding her some babyfood. (she doesnt eat that stuff to much anymore) and when she was deciding she was finished I said what the heck kid here feed yourself.And I walked away, I could hear her having fun in the kitchen and when I came back in Wow let me tell you what a mess I had! But I knew that one was going to happen. It was all in her hair, it was all over the walls and everywhere else you could think of. she had the spoon in her hand still and she dipped it into her bowl (that didnt have much of anything left in it) and then brought the spoon to her mouth, Yea she is getting the concept of eating on her own Im so proud of my little girl she doesnt seem like a baby to me at all anymore she is getting to be a big girl. Doing her own thing, she has her own little personality now its amazing! I cant believe in just a few short fast coming weeks she will be one already!! This year has gone by so fast! You really dont know how fast life comes at you until you have a child of your own. Anyways Im going to go and play with Elaina for a little bit! I hope this update does wonders for you!
Glad to hear you are having such fun with Elaina! sHE REALLY HAS BEEN GROWING LIKE CRAZY! i AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!
Keep up the great work Mommy!!!
Hey Keyra, hows it going, Elaina is getting quite big indeed. Good to hear your having fun raising her. :-)
lol have fun scraping the mess off the walls.
From your old friend Sean.
hey keyra... YAY i'm so proud that she's walking and everything... i can't wait to see the both of you... love the both of you...
That's the coolest that she's walking.. It does seem to go by so fast doesn't it, a year in the blink of an eye. Wow! Glad she's getting so independent! :)
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