My weekend was so much fun, My friend Kandace came in from Kenora for our buddy Dereks birthday party, so she kidnapped me for the weekend, hehehe sorta. Anyways I stayed at Dereks with her, and we partied all weekend but well enough we all never had a hang over both nights we had drinks :D Mom were u sick at all??? here are a couple pics from the weekend oh yeah I got I got the most beautiful tattoo for my nanny this weekend, its all not done yet but that piece of it is, You see most of you know I have a tattoo on my chest of a rose in a cross, well I want to connect the rose and my new tattoo together, to make it into a necklace, ITs going to be the best when I am done! I love you so much Nanny, Miss you!!!
Just Minutes after it was finished! This is Kandace with Joel (all our good pics are on dereks camera) This vodka is so good with coke, takes like vanilla coke yummy Trashed lol, this is a pic of Derek and Aaron the one that did my tattoo And we havent gotten a pic together in a long time maybe we shouldnt have done it drunk, me and drew.
Elaina welcomes with with a big smile, to see our nice clean apartment!!! *(now its been a day so some things are out of order now but still clean!)*Picture one of the Kitchen I believe there is 3, We even mopped everywhere, and vacuumed over and over! Here is a view from the living room into the kitchen. Now here are a few of the Living room!
Down below are a few pics of my bedroom doesn't it look just wonderful! Mom bought a boarder for my room, just needs tape to put it up but its the alphabet!!! Mom figures Im starting to talk like crazy and have lots of words I know now, I should know the alphabet so then I can learn to spell words! Down the log hall, I love to run down it, and get myself into peoples ways.
Bathroom time, this is where I enjoy having long baths, I like to play! *( they better be in to fix that floor soon. doesnt that look like mold to you???? Anyone??? Jasons Daddy???? hahaha)* And lastly a couple of pics of Mommys room! she like lives in her room at the moment. Well I hope you all enjoyed the nice pics of our clean apartment! As well I hope this gives everyone an idea of what our apartment looks like for those of you that dont know!
Elaina is sure getting big I cant believe how fast she is learning, she is talking up a storm now, says lots, mom, drew, dad, nin (for ness), roc (rock) juice, cool, vicki, geek, weee. papa, ball, there are many many more I just cant think at the moment, she learns a new word like almost everyday now! shes a big girl now!!!!
Hi everyone I was at my auntys the other day trying to figure out her computer , its all in french! and I had to change it all to english, and then had to install somethings for her, but took me two days but I figure it out. so to check out and see if her all in one printer worked we used a pic of Elaina and I . So any of you that havent see it here it is! Enjoy, I have more I just need to bring them here to scan them. Oh yeah I called Andrew the other day to ask him if he could take Elaina for a night this weekend, he told me maybe depends on the weather cuz he has to do some work outside, and then the next day I called him and told him that it said its going to rain on sunday, he still said maybe he didnt know yet, so I let him talk to Elaina for a bit. About an hour afterwards, he called me back and said that he would take Elaina! I was so surprised I was for sure he would say no cuz thats all hes been telling me! but he said yes, I crossed my fingers until he came and picked up Elaina today! I figured he wouldnt be here until around 5ish, but no he came just before 2pm, WOW he did it, now lets see if it will become often! wish Elaina luck