Been Lazy
hi everyone I have a few more pics but I cant really get to them right now, I just wanted to update really fast, I have a friend from out of town in this week, so this week is gonna be really busy, its her birthday tomorrow!!! what do you think of my new hair colour, its the blonde, I only did the top layer of my hair blonde I think it looks good but I do have to get used to having blonde in my hair again... I hope to get another post in the next couple days, Ive been lazy and busy,.. I just want to say that my prayers are out there for Corrina, and her new challenge to learn to communicate with her family and friends, God does things for good reasons! I would love to learn sign language again, and would enjoy teaching elaina some stuff too.. 

hahaha .... look at babygirl... i miss her soo much... shes gettin SOOO big
I love your hair!!
Elaina is growing like a weed!
Your hair does look good! I think that is a style right now, to have just the top half a color! Fun!
Thank you for your thoughts a prayers. It looks like if we get an implant that we won't be teaching corrina sign language. Weird eh? The reason is that once they can hear, and they are trying to speak, if they know signs it is just easier for them to use those to communicate rather than learn to make sounds and words. Very weird to me, although it makes sense. As soon as we knew she was deaf i just assumed that we would do signs, but i am glad there is the implant option.
If you did a "baby sign language" search on google you will come up with some of the basic signs that babies learn well, like "more" "all done" "please", etc. We taugh Corrina more, and she uses that actualy! But we won't be teaching her any new ones now!
It would be a wonderful thing for elaina to learn though, and it would help so much with her language developement. But since she has heard words from birth it would help communicate until she learns to talk (which we already know she does!) SHe is basically a year ahead of corrina in an verbal matter!
Her hair is getting so long and lovely too! I love soft baby hair.
Hope your trip goes well. This is a long comment, so i will stop now!
Love Janie
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