Hi Everyone, I hope everything is going well with your daily lives. This In this house are a little bit diffrent but we are starting to get into the swing of things. I babysat my friends littlest one Anna the other day and Elaina had a great time! I was so impressed with her, This was the first time Elaina has seen Anna in a couple months. She was all excited to see her and was giving Anna hugs. So cute. I got a few really good pics, Elaina is holding Anna in a few of these pics!! Aww cuteness!

heres a couple pics of Elaina walking around one day having some fun! One is with her playing with a mirror, playing with her tounge! lol, and the other one is of her laughin lots as we are dancing around the room.

last couple pics of Elaina with some pony tails in she wouldnt really let me put them in her hair, so they are a little cockeyed lol, But really cute! and then the last couple pics are of Elaina and Peter playing around, They we're so cute playing with each other, now that Elaina can walk around. I wish that Vicki and the kids wernt moving away, Elaina really likes to play with both Anna and Peter now, 

I hope everyone likes the pics, sorry it has taken me so long to update,Things have been really crazy, Anyways Im going to rest for a little bit Ive been going and going and going all day. hehehee
Take care!