HAhaha, look at her.... she is eatting a hog dog bun!!!
You see on Monday when we went to my aunts for a bbq I was making a hot dog and holding elaina well she stole the hot dog bun from me and ate it!!
So I had bought hot dog buns for our smokes last night well andrew never usded them all so I gave her one today when I was finishing up the 2 layer cake I made.
The cake turned out ok I wanted to put starberrys in the center and I went to blend them a little bit and ended up blending for to long so that was runny and hen I didnt make the iceing thick enought! OH well it was a test I dont really know how to bake or cook to to much! I will tell you how it taistes when andrew and I have it after supper tonight,
take care everyone!
wow kc thats so cute ... now all we need is a hot dog in there now...LOL..... Love ALy
Well done Keyra.. Elaina will eat anything!!
She looks better in her highchair, and doesn't look so small in their now!
I hope your cake turned out!!
Even if the cake flopped i bet it tasted wonderful!
I LOVE summer bbq's!
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