Anyways.. sorry its been so long since I updated.. theres been a lot on my mind.. well lets start off with on monday Elaina had a doctors apt for her 4 month old check up and needles..
She now weighs 15lbs 4 1/4oz... my little piggy hehehee The doctor said that I can start feeding her baby food and cereal.. lol.. got another thing for him.. she has been eatting food since she was 2 months old.. cant tell me there is something wrong with that when her doctor said that she is above average on all her skills and growth.. Im so proud of my little girl!! She has been trying to skip all her naps lately though.. forgot to ask the doctor if that was normal.. Im not worried that much though.. oh yea Elaina did very well with her needles this time as well. She didnt cry as much or as loud as the first time.. she just looked at me and cried.. and then as soon as I picked her up she stopped..haha.. and then went to sleep.. was up for two hours after a nap and then she went back to bed for the rest of the night.. she did a good job.. lol...
anyways I gotta go.. she wants a bottle..
take care everyone
She sure is growing. I let Tic see the pictures, and he got upset with me. He wantes to hold her "Right NOW"
Wow Kc shes looking really good...lol... cant wait till i come up there and see her... Love ALy
Elaina is growing so fast....I'm so glad she is healthy and good...I'm with Taylor, I want to hold her RIGHT NOW
love ya all
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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