daddy matched me!

Look at that two post's in one day!!! Mommy told Daddy to change my bum and when he was done this is how I came out of the bed room. I was wearing white when I went in heheee Daddy chaged me into my pj's put a new headband in my hair and put some clips in my hair that matched my outfit. Pooh Bear is on my outfit.. hehehee I love you Daddy!!! and then just before I got my bum changed I was in the middle of the living room floor and about half an hour later I made my way to the bathroom door. wow that was a fun trip. and boy do I ever like that cat that my mommy has.. I was playing with her today. and she let me pet her and she sniffed my face.. I think we are going to be good friends. as long as I dont rip her tail off lol..
Well done Andrew, who knew!!
She looks so cute, and is sure growing fast!
good job daddy...LOL......
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