The last few months at our house has been hectic, Elaina is growing so fast its unbelievable. She speaks so well its crazy, I love you mommy. Kitties, where are you? where are you kitties. shes is learning her colours very well loves to sing twinkle twinkle lil star. Pretty soon Elaina is going to have to settle down with a babysitter during the day, Thankfully since I cant find daycare anywhere near our place right now, my friends that live in the next building beside me (same housing unit though) well they have a daughter who is 2 (turned 2 in sept) and they as well have a 6m old girl, so elaina is going to have to learn to share and play nice, I hope she is really well to thouse kids!!! I start school Feb 4th,, Im so excited I hope this all works out and I will be able to do a semester of school and get that done. I feel like im not doing anything with my life, Ive been trying to potty trian elaina shes ready she will sit on the potty and everything knows what its for, she just wont let herself go, im sure once she does this once or twice we should be on the right step, the lil girl at the sitters is learning so I hope elaina will learn from being around her! anyways here are a few pics sorry I dont update this thing that often, facebook has taken over my life hahahaa